Monday, November 29, 2010

Palm pre 2 in the UK available on 15th November.

This will coincide with the latest update for your WebOS software that current pre owners will be available within the next few months. The original Palm pre received lots of hype, long before the handset had even seen. Pre-release (pun alert!) Rumors strongly suggested this device iPhone-Killer would be. Disappointing missed for Palm, the before far it the predicted rise to dominance. According to research from Gartner ealier this week he published Palm WebOS account for less than 1% market share. This can be surprising when you consider how many of your friends a contrary to say a BlackBerry or android device.unsurprisingly have the rumors to the Palm pre 2 nor created much excitement, and with Windows Recovery your mobile operating system more competitive always Windows 7, the portable device market than ever. So the question you can is wondering "why should I get excited about the new above?"

 Good, you can be right not discard your Desire HD in anticipation even whole; However, you can keep an eye on this new device. Even with the unsuccessful launch of the Palm pre evaluate many industry insiders the handset as a great device running a stable user friendly OS. Back in April Palm HP acquired, that is no stranger to the mobile market. Brian Humphries, HP's Senior Vice President of strategy and business development, is quoted as follows that HP plans "was" double down on WebOS "and to confirm that the whole point" of the acquisition. With this massive investment from one of the worlds largest PC manufacturer before may still find its place in the world.Considering HP took control is only from April, it's pretty safe take the pre 2 for that device will be based largely on Palms original plans the enhancements to the new handset, however, specify WebOS that intend to direction HP should take their new product. The main improvements highlight support for both HTML5 and Flash a smile on the faces of those provided, which criticize the iPhone not so.The pre SIM free acquired are and will be available directly from the Palm website to do on the 15th November. It is unclear what will make the handset at the moment, but it is clear that PLAM still not given up on your still .we keep flagship device a watchful eye on this handset and will be posting updates so keep checking blog.

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